stress response
number of breaks: 2
showing 1-2 of 2 breaks
Our cell's “protein factory” can decrease fats to promote lifespan
Organisms face stress daily, and generally, these stressors have some form of negative effect on our physiology. For example, exposure to thermal stress (elevated heat) increases body temperatures, causes loss of cognitive function, and mood changes. Humans have adapted several different methods for dealing with... click to read more
Views 4818
Reading time 3.5 min
published on Sep 18, 2020
How plants protect themselves from salt stress
We often think of genes as a static piece of information in DNA that determines different physical aspects of life. I have blue eyes because I have the gene(s) for blue eyes. However, while DNA is important in determining such features, it's the proteins encoded... click to read more
Views 4110
Reading time 3.5 min
published on Jun 26, 2019
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